Format BrochéAuteur : CAUSSE JEAN-DANIEL
Livraison en Martinique tout compris
Retours et SAV simplifiés
Garantie Isleden
At a time when the figure of the child is the object of several fantastical representations, how can we rethink the notion of filiation? This book advances the thesis that the word son, filius', is a definition of our own humanity. Filiality, at its deepest level, signifies the need to recognize a precedence', i.e. the fact that no being can contain its own origin. That is why today's obsession with the notion that an individual may be capable of causing his own creation must be perceived as a hatred, often veiled, of filiation. This hatred finds many forms of expression, especially the desire that filius' should not define what is new, but only the perpetuation of what has been. Revisiting certain great thinkers can provide us with the necessary perspective to confront today's problematic, and here, give form to the contents: the Freudian myth of Totem and Taboo', the story of the tower of Babel and the history of the patriarch Abraham, the emergence of God beneath the face of the Son in Christianity, the articulation of fraternity and filiality, a new reading of Jacques Lacan's theory that there is no sexual relation and its effects on thoughts about filiation.
Livraison à la Martinique
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