Livraison en Martinique tout compris
Retours et SAV simplifiés
Garantie Isleden
The word is the subject of this book, as it was the subject of Heidegger's meditation in preparation for thinking a beginning other' than the Greek. To this end, at the period of Being and Time', Heidegger held an intense dialogue with Aristotle. What is exceptional about this encounter, which was to mark a whole generation of pupils (especially H.-G. Gadamer, H. Arendt, L. Strauss), is presented here in a general way. But certain points are studied in detail, particularly the discovery Heidegger made of the meaning behind everydayness' in human existence. From that immediately concrete dimension, which has always escaped great metaphysical projects, Heidegger sees, in the dialogue with Aristotle, the emergence of an understanding of the word as an imminent modality of the relation with the other. As for the debate Heidegger held with Plato, it is also presented in its main lines through the notion of dialogue' so dear to both philosophers. In this book, the subject is the meaning of the philosophical word, in the light of the task Heidegger imposed on it, close to the poetic word in our epoch of consummate nihilism. Based on many lectures given by Heidegger, now published but little-known, this book also includes several excerpts previously unpublished in French of a text belonging to the corpus that goes under the title Unpublished treatises' written by the philosopher during the war and never publicised. This study will bring readers greater understanding of what the philosopher had to say about man's vocation to live poetically in the world.
Livraison à la Martinique
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