Livraison en Martinique tout compris
Retours et SAV simplifiés
Garantie Isleden
Man has always been in search of a mirror in which he might contemplate a unified, comprehensible image of his own fragmented identity. The means of his search is language, especially the two privileged forms of expression that are philosophy and literature the former seeking to contain everything in a single concept, the latter in a unique one. However, in their highest forms, each one of these endeavours remains secretly haunted by the other, as the essays assembled here show as regards literature. We could find different versions of that all-encompassing image which condenses, for man, not only what he is, but more generally (or more uniquely?) what is. It could represent a thing, an infinitely small, all-resuming entity - the earth of the alchemist (that involuntary but absolute writer) the point' of Pascal the seminal atom' of Diderot or Hugo. It might also be the image of a sacred deed - beneficial or transgressive - of a liturgical celebration whose ritual has been forged by Wagner, Mallarmé and Proust, while Barbey or Gracq assure the presence of the spellbound obsession of sacrilege. It might also assure the presence of someone', a sovereign individuality who is simultaneously all others and who consequently can be termed divine: such as the Man-God of Hölderlin and Kierkegaard, apparently so distant from one another, or Rilke's Angel. In this last type of example, the reader is no longer dealing with an image, but with the mirror itself, in front of which (and in which) he finds himself transcribed and wherein he encounters the measure of his destiny as an assignation of his task. In these mirrors - many of them broken today - the images are faded, the celebrations are over. This book is a humble yet nostalgic homage to the tiny microcosms in which a more ambitious humanity once attempted - perhaps successfully - to define its own enigma.
Livraison à la Martinique
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