Format BrochéAuteur : REVEL JEAN-PHILIPPE

Livraison en Martinique tout compris

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Garantie Isleden
Deeply inspired by the countless examples of healing the sick throughout the Gospel, which Jesus himself declares to be the sign of the messianic era and the advent of the Kingdom, the sacrament of the sick is particularly significant because it reveals that Christ's salvation is not only for the spirit or the heart, but also concerns the body. That interest in the body is exactly what disturbed theologians and led them to misunderstand the specificity of this sacrament for a long period of obscurity - from the Carolingian reform to Vatican II - during which the anointing of the sick was only a substitute for the sacrament of penance given when death is near, to deliver the sick from the ultimate consequences of their sins or even forgive sins which the dying person no longer has the strength to confess. Today we must rediscover the true meaning of the anointing of the sick, which is the redemption of the body by the body, thanks to the close relation between physical suffering and Christ's Cross. On the one hand, the agonising Christ takes our infirmities upon Himself and assumes our sicknesses' while the power of his Resurrection brings us the grace of comfort, even to the point of healing, like a precursor or a sign of the resurrection of our flesh. On the other hand, Christ gives meaning to our suffering by uniting it with His own suffering for the salvation of the world, so permitting us to participate in his redeeming work by completing in our flesh what lacks in Christ's Passion for his Body which is the Church.'
Livraison à la Martinique
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