Format BrochéAuteur : ROGOZINSKI JACOB

Livraison en Martinique tout compris

Retours et SAV simplifiés

Garantie Isleden
Why should I write a book about Antonin Artaud? Quite simply because he asked me to, for it is impossible to read his work without hearing his call. But how could I answer his call without betraying him? How could I read, as a philosopher, a man who proclaimed his hatred of philosophy'? How could I read him without devouring him, and letting myself be devoured by him? Reading guide: what he writes is true. Let's allow this truth to affirm itself, without imposing the rules of an alien mind and without claiming to contain it within a psychosis or metaphysics. No cruelty, no powerlessness, no schizophrenia, no bodies without organs: these are so many stereotypes, keywords that form obstacles to the reader. Why does he write? To save his murdered muses, butchered bodies, all those dead whose names were not passed on by history' through forgetfulness. To find an exit from Hell, to traverse that Black Hole' he had sunk into, recover his I' and the name that had been taken from him. If madness is the absence of creation, the return of Momo' is an uprising of good health', the good news of a resurrection: it is possible to go beyond death, to go beyond God' to recover one's body. It is possible to cure life. It is this fight against madness, death and forgetfulness, this combat for truth I have tried to describe here: passing from the scene of the myth from the theatrical revolution that life was supposed to represent to that of fantasy, sexual obsession, mother/father then moving upwards to a more original dimension, towards the enigma of a life without being, flesh that is me. Torn flesh, in quest of its major incarnation, flesh that never stops dying yet is constantly reborn... This truth of me-flesh that he sought to proclaim in the language and rhythm of poetry... are we, at last, capable of hearing it?
Livraison à la Martinique
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